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Client centered therapy (Rogerian approach)


Gestalt  therapy

Systemic couples and family therapy; Graphic Family Sculpting; Family sculpting; Approaches in child discipline, releasing you as a parent from the tug-of-war


Relaxation therapy with symbolism; elements of music therapy


Medico hypno-analyses; hypnotherapy (formally trained in all three phases with SASCH – South African Society of Clinical Hypnoses); ego state therapy


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – facilitating cognitive restructuring and finding new pathways in the brain towards more positive perspectives on life and situations


Mindfulness therapy (fascilitating living in the here and now with all of your senses)


Pastoral therapy incorporating religious perspectives on life and problems


Psychometric evaluation – approved quantitative as well as qualitative tests; drawing up of profiles; comparing profiles; personality; temperament; dynamics

Therapeutical Approaches

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